The Bacon Dash is not just any ordinary kids’ run; it’s an exhilarating adventure that combines fitness with fun and, of course, a sizzling and delicious twist! FREE BACON.
Held at all cities we visit this 1K race welcomes young participants with open arms to embark on a journey of joyous sprinting and bacon-filled delight. As the starting signal echoes through the air, children dash through the course, fueled by excitement and the promise of crispy bacon at the finish line. Each participant is greeted with a shiny medal to commemorate their achievement, a vibrant t-shirt as a memento of their spirited participation, and, of course, the pièce de résistancefree bacon!

The Bacon Dash isn’t just about crossing the finish line; it’s about creating unforgettable memories, fostering a love for physical activity, and, most importantly, celebrating the joy of being a kid with a side of savory indulgence.